Wave of Death

Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a shortage of "real" and "tangible" news updates regarding the enormity of the damage being done to the Gulf of Mexico as a result of the BP Spill?

The following article helps to explain why ...

BP Search Engine Manipulation
Jun. 8, 2010 (11:05 am) By: Matthew Humphries

BP may be a company dedicated to the extraction of oil from the Earth, but that doesn’t mean it’s not on the ball when it comes to manipulating the results you see on search engines.

It’s safe to say BP has suffered a lot of bad press over the past few weeks due to the Gulf oil spill. But the company is now attempting to control the information about that spill by buying certain search engine phrases associated with it. In so doing, BP is getting the search results it wants on the first page and top spot for search engines like Google and Yahoo! Those links then redirect people to BP’s website.


The following are reports approximately a month in to the spill 

These reports found on YouTube show only a very small portion of the true magnitude of the situation two months in to this catastrophic man made disaster.

... be angry people ... be very angry.